Web Integration

It is possible to integrate EBA directly into your own web application as an embedded window. You can view an example.

There are two simple steps required to perform this integration:

  1. Add a script tag that initializes a global IBM_EBA interface object
  2. Calling the api exposed by the IBM_EBA object

Adding IBM_EBA and Calling Setup

This script should be loaded in the start of your application by simply adding a script tag which points to the path of the script. After loading this script, you should execute IBM_EBA.setup to pass any relevant data and credentials for logging into a session with EBA. Note, in the example below, we have added an additional script tag in the beginning of the file to illustrate a method for providing custom initialization.

    <title>Host Application</title>
        IBM_EBA_CONFIG = {
            access_token: '...',
            agent_name: 'Agent Kevin',
            disable_button: false,
            disable_shadow: true,
            loading_delay: 1000,
            user_first_name: 'John',
            user_last_name: 'Doe',
            user_full_name: 'John M. Doe',
            user_locale: 'en_US',
            user_language: 'en',
            user_time_zone: 'America/Los_Angeles'
    <script src="https://eba.ibm.com/static/assistant.js" defer></script>

With these few lines of code in your host application, EBA will be up and running.

As mentioned above, you can pass in the following fields to customize EBA either via optional global object IBM_EBA_CONFIG or during the call to IBM_EBA.setup, viz.

  • access_token –– JWT access token, check Settings tab in Lab for more details.
  • agent_name –– replaces Watson as the name to whatever is supplied.
  • agent_voice –– tunes EBA's voice. Check the list of voices supported by EBA.
  • user_first_name, user_last_name, user_full_name –– makes EBA aware about current user so it will use personalization in answers.
  • user_locale, user_language –– defines cultural settings which are used to detect and format numbers, dates and currencies in conversation flow.
  • user_time_zone –– defines user time zone which will be used for operations with local dates.
  • disable_button –– disables floating button control when set to true, enables floating button control when set to false.
  • disable_shadow –– disables modal shadow when set to true, enables modal shadow when set to false.
  • loading_delay –– delays EBA iframe loading by given number of milliseconds, it helps to avoid showing browser spinning wheel while iframe is loading in background.

In order to create a new session for authorized user you will need to supply a JWT signed access_token. An access_token should be generated based on the iss, sub, and private key provided within our Lab Settings, where we have outlined the required integration steps. For an example on generating this access_token programmatically, please reference our headless integration


  • create() –– creates the IBM_EBA object and injects assistant into host application (note: this is called within this script itself and should be avoided)
  • setup(config) –– posts a setup message to EBA containing the supplied config
  • destroy() –– destroys the IBM_EBA object and all related DOM elements
  • send(event) –– posts a JSON event message to EBA
  • open() –– opens the popup window containing the assistant
  • close() –– closes the popup window containing the assistant (note: may render the assistant is compact mode if the last message was tagged as important)
  • toggle() –– toggles the state of the popup window from opened to closed
  • detach() –– detaches the assistant into a new tab for full screen experience

Since IBM_EBA is a global object, you will be able to send data to the assistant any time you like by simply invoking IBM_EBA.send. This enables you to encode various events across your web application. For instance, here is a click event that triggers an order event inside of EBA:

function onViewOrder() {
        order_meta: {
            order_id: 1234,
            order_name: 'paper',
            customer_id: 5678
<button onclick="onViewOrder()">View Order</button>

Using our development lab, you will be able to program the assistant to appropriately respond to this event. You may invoke the other api functions across your event handlers in a similar fashion. For details on how to respond to such events using EBA, please refer to our @react endpoint.

Display Modes

EBA supports four display modes which reflect the size of the embedded iframe:

  • default is 375px X 85%.
  • expanded expands the default width to 80%.
  • compact receives its height dynamically based on its content.
  • detached renders EBA in a new tab.

Note: compact mode is designed to only show the content of the last message and serves as a popup. The show/hide semantics for compact mode is as follows: if the iframe is in a hidden state and the most recent message is tagged as important, then the popup will be shown. Otherwise, it will be hidden. Hence compact is designed to give the assistant a way to show itself on screen while it is hidden.