Actions tab

This tab is responsible for managing your action signature definitions and the IBM Cloud Functions executors.


Naming for actions follow a similar format as naming for concepts, viz. domain:action. The same domain should be used for both concepts and actions. Action should be descriptive of what the action does. For instance, sc:GetSalesOrdersById denotes the action GetSalesOrderById for the sc (Supply Chain) domain.


EBA is able to reason about actions provided by their signature. The signature can be thought of as a map of inputs to outputs while providing some optional constraints on these parameters. The format used for action signatures are the following, viz. constraints => input -> output. EBA is powered by Haskell, and this paradigm for defining actions will be familiar to Haskell developers.


Click the constraints tab to enter a constraint. A constraint is also represented in the RDF format, viz. subject predicate object. They serve as a way to provide generalism to actions. Consider the following constraints: a subClassOf :Lists This constraint binds the parameter a to be any subclass of :Lists. This means that our action will be able to work generically with any type of list, e.g., :ContactLists, :Orders, :Supplies. Note that the developer must provide appropriate entries in the ontology in order for the action to work properly, e.g., :ContactList subClassOf :List. The constraint parameter a can now be referenced in the input and output specifications.


Click the input tab to enter an input definition. Input should be defined as a tree of concepts reflecting the sentence structure of expected user questions.


Click the output tab to enter an output definition. Output should be defined as a list of concepts. It is almost always represented as a single concept qualified by its paramtype.


Semantic actions or actions within EBA are a means for creating data nodes associated with various concepts. In order to produce data nodes, our actions define an executor function which is run inside of IBM Cloud FaaS. This is the place where we perform the api requests, data processing, and other functionalities necessary to produce real data for our conversations. We follow a standard protocol when communicating with IBM Cloud Functions which requires us to follow a standard format for the input and output of our executing functions. Please be aware of certain system limits imposed by IBM Cloud Functions iteslf. Note that for some language environments we have provided convenient helper interfaces which abstract this protocol accordingly. These helpers may even contain mechanisms to avoid certain system limits, e.g., result size.

Action input will be supplied as follows within the main function of the executor:

  • secrets -- object containing secrets
  • agent -- string containing agent name
  • token -- session access token (JWT)
  • storage -- object containing session storage
  • apiurl -- api url for EBA,
  • input -- object containing nodes specified in action input, where concept name is key and node is value
  • settings -- object containing settings

Action output should be supplied as follows within the main function of the executor:

  • output -- object containing the data associated with the output concept
  • storage -- object containing the key, value pairs to be persisted in session storage

An example of input for the input signature: :Item(data :Number):

        ":Number": {
            "name": ":Number",
            "tags": [
            "data": 123,
            "meta": {
                "data": 123,
                "name": ":Number",
                "prop": [],
                "text": "123."
            "type": "data"
        "@question": {
            "name": "question",
            "tags": [
            "data": "show me item 123",
            "meta": null,
            "type": ""
        ":Item": {
            "name": "ex:Item",
            "tags": [
            "data": [
                    "synonyms": [
                    "cpostag": "NOUN",
                    "lemma": "item",
                    "postag": "NN",
                    "id": 3,
                    "deprel": "dobj",
                    "length": 4,
                    "form": "item",
                    "start": 8
            "meta": null,
            "type": "concept"

An example of output for the output signature: data :Item:

        "output": {
            ":Item": {
                "data": "item-data"
        "storage": {
            "hello": "world"

You are welcome to reference the JavaScript source code implementation of the helpers module which abstracts this protocol. You will find that our sample agents make use of the interfaces exported from this module.


Actions within EBA can make use of a variety of pre-installed modules: node modules


EBA also provides developers with a utility package for working with its own components: node helpers

Learn more about actions