Control bar
Agent selector
You can use the agent selector to view and edit other agents. You will have read access to all agents, but write access only to your own agents. You are invited to view these public agents as a reference in the course of your development.
Undo and redo
Our lab will maintain a history of your most recent changes within a given session. You may redo and undo changes accordingly.
Saving and discarding
In order for your changes to be published to EBA core, you must click the Save changes button. This will update your configuration, and the lab will remember this configuration the next time that you log in. If in the course of development, you want to back out your current change set, pressing the Discard changes button will revert your work back to the most recent published version.
Once you have saved your changes, you may immediately begin to test your work by asking the assistant questions in the left conversation panel.
Import and export
The skills you develop within the lab are represented in a source control friendly YAML configuration. You can import and export this configuration using the "Import" and "Export" buttons on the lab actions bar.